How to read in Japanese
Onyomi | |
ヒャク | hyaku |
Kunyomi | |
--- | --- |
Lecture Video
“ 100 (百) ”
“ 100 (百) ”
more examples
ヒャク | hyaku | |
百戦錬磨 | hyakusenrenma | veteran; being trained in many battles |
百人力 | hyakuninriki | having the power 100 people at once |
百聞は一見にしかず | hyakubunhaikkennnishikazu | it's easier to understand by seeing something once than by listening about it a hundred times |
百も承知 | hyakumoshouchi | knowing enough |
百科事典 | hyakkajitenn | encyclopedia |
百発百中 | hyappatsuhyakuchuu | all arrows hit the target; all plans and schedules work well |
Special | Reading | |
八百長 | yaochou | fixed game; before a battle, pretending to do battle seriously while knowing who will win |
八百屋 | yaoya | vegetable grocer |
百合 | yuri | lily |
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